Journal of Data Science,
Statistics, and Visualisation

Compressed sensing with a jackknife and a bootstrap


  • Aaron Defazio Facebook Artificial Intelligence Research
  • Mark Tygert Facebook Artificial Intelligence Research
  • Rachel Ward University of Texas at Austin
  • Jure Zbontar Facebook Artificial Intelligence Research



error estimation, visualization, medical imaging, magnetic resonance imaging, compressive sensing, compressive sampling


Compressed sensing proposes to reconstruct more degrees of freedom in a signal than the number of values actually measured (based on a potentially unjustified regularizer or prior distribution). Compressed sensing therefore risks introducing errors -- inserting spurious artifacts or masking the abnormalities that medical imaging seeks to discover. Estimating errors using the standard statistical tools of a jackknife and a bootstrap yields "error bars" in the form of full images that are remarkably qualitatively representative of the actual errors (at least when evaluated and validated on data sets for which the ground truth and hence the actual error is available). These images show the structure of possible errors -- without recourse to measuring the entire ground truth directly -- and build confidence in regions of the images where the estimated errors are small. Further visualizations and summary statistics can aid in the interpretation of such error estimates. Visualizations include suitable colorizations of the reconstruction, as well as the obvious "correction" of the reconstruction by subtracting off the error estimates. The canonical summary statistic would be the root-mean-square of the error estimates. Unfortunately, colorizations appear likely to be too distracting for actual clinical practice in medical imaging, and the root-mean-square gets swamped by background noise in the error estimates. Fortunately, straightforward displays of the error estimates and of the "corrected" reconstruction are illuminating, and the root-mean-square improves greatly after mild blurring of the error estimates; the blurring is barely perceptible to the human eye yet smooths away background noise that would otherwise overwhelm the root-mean-square.

Author Biographies

Aaron Defazio, Facebook Artificial Intelligence Research

Research Scientist

Rachel Ward, University of Texas at Austin

W. A. "Tex" Moncrief Distinguished Professor in Computational Engineering and Sciences — Data Science

Jure Zbontar, Facebook Artificial Intelligence Research

Research Engineer




How to Cite

Defazio, A., Tygert, M., Ward, R., & Zbontar, J. (2022). Compressed sensing with a jackknife and a bootstrap. Journal of Data Science, Statistics, and Visualisation, 2(4).
Journal of Data Science,
Statistics, and Visualisation